Sunday, August 29, 2010

Senseless Babble

how exciting my very first post ^^ !
well let's see i'm 22 years old 
& i have a one year old crazy cat named "Blanca"
ouh , she fell off the balcony last night and landed in the bushes under my building *thank god*
almost gave me a heart attack ... but that wittle monster was just fine
Blanca doing what she does best  ^^

Anyway i just spend the last 8 hours cleaning up my room ..i'm POOPED
BUT .. i actually have a closet :D which is exciting since it used to look like a war zone
i'm feeling very Zen right now .. hihi
I so need a shower ..


  1. I love cats. Very nice pic. Blogging is really fun so...get on with it!

  2. Hi Crystel, would you like to come and organise my wardrobe too ? :D
    It's a shambles.
    I love vintage fashion as well, esp handbags and shoes! I'm planning on a big shopping spree as soon as I've lost a dress size or two, but SSH don't tell my husband!

  3. Blanca is so pretty

    Hi Crystel :) nice to know you

    blogging will make u meet with a lot of new friends , which is why i love it

    you'll enjoy the ride , welcome aboard woot !

  4. Cute cat.
    Awww hope the blog goes well for you hun.
